We left school at 9:30am. The bus trip was a bit boring, I sat by none of my friends but by someone who is good at bugging people.
Soon we were at TeManawa. The first thing we did was sit down on some carpet and eat some of our yummy food. We then went to a place in TeManawa where we learnt how to flaxweave a fish and what it means.
Next we went into a room full of mirrors, one was a jally bean hologram.
After that we had some more food for lunch then a couple of mins after, room9 and only room9 went on a scavenger hunt while room12 learntwhat it means and how to flax a fish. I had no sharpened pencils so I just helped people in my group.
Then we were on the bus in a flash. I sat next to Hudson and we both made space for Willie, my best friend. We got back to school just as the bell went.
Michael Parsons
the end
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